Medical Education Unit
The primary objective of the Medical Education Unit's tutelage of faculty members is to create, put into practice, and enrich new skills in order to promote accelerated growth and prosperity in general and to offer competency-based medical education that complies with global norms in particular. The role and responsibilities of the Department of Medical Education revolve around pedagogy through effective planning, implementation and supervision of the educational process and research methodology involved in medical studies. This is to bring about, strategic improvement in the performance of Undergraduate, Postgraduates and the faculty of Era's Lucknow Medical College and Hospital. Medical Education Unit at Era's Lucknow Medical College and Hospital can fulfill some of the internationally agreed upon roles like Fostering Research Process, Investing in Faculty and Staff Development and Supporting Curriculum Development. Professionals' growth, adoption of cutting-edge interactive training methods, strengthening of evaluation, and promotion of research are all components of a well-planned strategic action. Medical educators must work hard on this, and there must be strong institutional support.
With view of strengthening Psychomotor development with hands on skill. Practice of putting selected skill in monthly schedule of each semester, help factual implementation of skill lab activities.
In addition to developing a fundamentally structured curriculum that is implemented semester by semester, the Department of Medical Education also focuses on assessments. One key instrument for graduate students to measure their learning while using cutting-edge teaching methods is the department's Computer Aided Revision and Evaluation (CARE) project, which is being implemented with follow-up. The department also evaluates the success of the CARE system. The new innovative educational tools developed in our institution such as 3D Anatomy Models in Anatomy Museum, different Manikins in Skill Lab, Medical Education Video Games with med skill exposures, 3D Animations and Clinical Skills Evaluation Software and establishment of skill lab are all being used to help U.G. & P.G. students enhance their learning abilities and enrich their learning experiences in the a unique way.
Activities conducted by
Activities for Undergraduate students.
Activities for PG students
Faculty development programme.
Curriculum Committee
PG Committee
MEU faculty
Certificate Course in Health Professional Education.
Recognition of MEU Faculty
Dr. (Prof.) Farzana Mahdi Vice Chancellor, Era University Professor in Department of Biochemistry FAIMER FELLOW - 2015, GSMC Mumbai |
Dr Sucheta Dandekar Professor, Biochemistry FAIMER Fellow and Global Faculty-2010 Philadelphia |
Dr Nirmala Rege Professor, Pharmacology FAIMER Fellow-2015 Philadelphia |
Dr . (Prof.) Anuja Bhargava Professor Dept of ENT and HOD Selection for MAHE FAIMER fellowship programme (Batch 2020) |
Dr. Ayesha Ahmad Associate Professor in Department of Obst. & Gynae. Selection for CMCL FAIMER fellowship programme (Batch 2021) |
Dr. (Prof.) Brijesh Rathore Professor in Department of Biochemistry Selected for ACME conducted by JNMC, Sawangi, Wardha – Year - 2020 |