

The Department of Physiology has fully functional Haemetology lab, Human lab, Mammalian lab, Clinical lab, Research lab and Experimental lab. The department is working towards the development of new approaches to study cells, organs and systems in order to understand their working during health and dysfunction.

Department of Physiology is developing under guidance of well experienced Prof. (Dr.) Seema Singh MD. PGDHHCA. Every year 200 students in MBBS are admitted and undergoing teaching & training in Physiology. Besides, there are Post Graduate students of MD, MSc (Medical Physiology) and PhD are also getting trained. The degree of MBBS and MD Physiology is recognized under the Medical Council of India

In addition to teaching undergraduate a dpostgraduate stuents, the Department is also engage in teaching of various paramedical courses.

We have adopted various recent modern techniques of teaching and training with use of e- learnings, animation, skill development as well as OSPE/OSCE. Department organized National Symposium, CME, Workshop, Poster & Model Competition, Quiz Competition for overall development of Faculty and students.

Facilities Available

PFT: Helps in recording of various parameter related to pulmonary function.

Polyrite Machine: Helps perform various electro physiological test like:

  • Nerve Conduction velocity test
  • Galvanic Skin response (GSR)
  • Heart rate variability (HRV)
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • Brain Stem Evoked Response audiometery (BERA)
  • Autonomic Nervous System test (ANS)

Practical Facility (for UG/ PG/PhD/ Allied Science students)

Human Lab (Clinical/ Skill)

  • In which various experiment related to clinical examination of various system like Respiratory, CVS, CNS etc

Heamatology Lab

  • Experiment related to different blood component.

Experimental Lab

  • Study of Amphibian nerve & muscle tissue.
  • Yoga Lab
  • Facility Available


Research Publication


  • A Study to Compare Lipid Parameter And Diurnal Index From Normal Individuals And With Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease Patients- IJMRCR (International Journal of Medical Review and case report) Original Article: International Journal; Status Communicated [Dr. Syed Tahseen, Raza, Dr. Seema Singh]
  • Review of Human Physiology in the Underwater Environment - Original Article: National Journal; Status Communicated [Prof.(Dr.) Abdussalam]
  • Review on association between polymorphism of genes regulating Insulin resistance and Insulin secretion in gestational diabetes millatus: Indian Journal of clinical anatomy & Physiology  Review Article: National Journal; Status Communicated [Dr. Nitin Pandey, Dr. Seema Singh]


  • Signal Transduction Mechanism in colorectal carcinogenesis   Indian Journal of clinical Anatomy and Physiology; Review Article; National Journal; Published [Dr. Abdussalam, Dr. Seema Singh, Dr. Syed Tahseen Raza]
  • A Study to compare Hemoglobin level and BMI in normal and diagnose  diabetic stage three CKD patients visiting a tertiary care hospital IJMRCR (International Journal of Medical Review and case report) Original Article; International Journal; Published [Dr. Syed Tahseen, Raza, Dr. Seema Singh, Dr. Devendra Kumar]
  • A study to compare lipid parameter and diurnal index from normal individuals and with diabetic chronic kidney disease patients               Journal of clinical and diagnostic research; Original Article; National Journal;Published [Dr. Syed Tahseen, Raza, Dr. Seema Singh, Dr. Devendra Kumar]


  • Persistent Immunological Changes Associated with Covid-19 Infection and its Colonical Consequences in Chronoc Kidney Disease Cases; International Journal of Medical reviews and Case Reports Review; Published [Dr. Seema Singh, Dr. Syed Tahseen]
  • Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Adult Female: A Systematic Review; Era’s Journal of Medica Research (EJMR)Review; Article Published[Roohi Khan, Dr. Avadh Kapoor, Dr. Syed Tahseen Raza, Dr. Abdussalam Dr. Seema Singh]
  • Impact of Obesity on Hypertension: A Review; IP Journal of Nutrition, Metabolism and Health Science    Review; Article Published [Dr. Abdussalam]
