Orthopedic Surgery
The Department of Orthopedics is fully equipped with all the latest technology in terms of instruments/equipments. A variety of surgeries like joint replacement, arthroscopy, spinal surgeries, bone - tumors and corrective surgery of residual polio deformities are carried out as routine.
Academic Activities
The department caters to the teaching of disease of the musculoskeletal system to both medical and paramedical students of this institution. Students are taught in a lipoclastic manner by well-prepared lectures, bedside teaching and demonstrations with a focus on clinical and practical training to produce clinicians competent of providing effective first-contact orthopaedic care.
Under Graduate teaching
- V VI VIII semester teaching classes
- Morning and Evening Bedside Teaching
- Demonstration Classes for Instruments and Specimens
- X-Ray and Operative Procedures
- Fracture Reduction Technique
Post Graduate Teaching
Department of Orthopedics provides basic and advanced training in orthopaedics to postgraduate students. The teaching program provides students with an understanding and knowledge of various aspects of orthopaedics. Students are exposed to the whole range of orthopaedic care and rehabilitation, from ward work to outpatient care and management of the emergency. Teaching Programs for postgraduates are conducted daily under the supervision of all faculty members.
- Monday: Case Presentation
- Tuesday: Journal Club
- Wednesday: Case/Fracture Clinic
- Thursday: Clinical Meet- LT-IV
- Friday: Seminar
Treatment Facilities
Department of Orthopedics at ELMC&H is well staffed and equipped with state of the art facility with a functional trauma unit to carry out all routine and emergency operations. Apart from treating patients for various common orthopedic procedures and trauma patients, special clinics are held for a backache and spine related processes.
Research Activities
The Department of Orthopaedics at Era's Lucknow Medical College is actively involved in research activities. Faculty Members regularly participate in national and state-level conferences to update their skills and learn about newer techniques in the field of Orthopedics. The research works of our faculty members have been published in various national and international journals, and they have presented their works at various conferences. The Department is involved in conducting laboratory and clinical research related to orthopaedics that is beneficial for our population. Currently, our Department is carrying out three research projects under the able supervision of faculty members.
Research Publications
- Management of Pott's Spine in Paediatric Age Patient: A Case Report - Dr. Sharib Shamim, Dr. Vivesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Mahesh Soni
- Treatment of a Refractory Chronic Tendoachillis Tendinitis with Platelet Rich Plasma Injections: A CSE Report - Dr. Vikas Trivedi, Dr. Vivesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Nabeil Sufyan
- Determinants of Improvement in Foot Bimalleolar Angle and Pirani Score in Patients of CLubfoot treated with Ponsetti Technique: Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Dr, Afroz Khan, Dr. Dev Prakash
- Dr. G. K. Singh Professor (HOD)
- Dr. Ahmad Ayaz Professor
- Dr. AnuragShukla Professor
- Dr. Raziq Ansari Associate Professor
- Dr. Vipin Kumar Associate Professor
- Dr. Afroz A. Khan Associate Professor
- Dr. SharibShamim Assistant Professor
- Dr. AbhishekPandey Assistant Professor
- Dr. Abhinav K. Srivastava Assistant Professor
- Dr. Mahesh K. Soni Assistant Professor
- Dr. Yash Veer Singh A.P (PMR)
- Dr. Imran Shakeel Khan Senior Resident
- Dr. Sparsh Singh Senior Resident
- Dr. M. Hassan Shakeel Senior Resident (PDCC)