The Department of Anatomy is dedicated to teaching Human Anatomy to medical (UG and PG), M.Sc. (Medical), Ph.D., paramedical and nursing students of this institution. The Department has a spacious Dissection Hall where cadavers and parts are available for study along with a fully equipped Histology Lab with best quality microscopes and slides of various tissues and organs.
Our distinctive museum has a multitude of mounted wet specimens along with plaster & fiber glass 3D models. An image gallery is present in the museum where radiographs, CT and MRI images are displayed. In order to ensure the anatomic accuracy the models are prepared in-house by skilled artist under the supervision of the faculty. The departmental library has a collection of the latest editions of books and journals.
In keeping with the latest teaching techniques, the department conducts live ultrasonograpic demonstration classes so that students are exposed to imaging anatomy right from the start of their medical education.
Research Publication (2021-2023)
- Study Of Supratrochlear Foramen of Humerus And Its Applied Aspects: International Journal Of Medical Science And Current Research [Archana Chaudhary, Vineeta Tewari, RK Verma, Geetanjali Srivastava, Tahsin]
- A Cross- Sectional Study For Prevalence And Association Of Risk Factors Of Chronic Kidney Disease Among People With Type 2 Diabetes In Indian Setting. Cureus [Ajoy Tewari, Vineeta Tewari, Jay Tewari]
- Effect Of Covid19 Lockdown on Glycaemic Parameters In People With Type 2 Diabetes. [Ajoy Tewari, Vineeta Tewari , Jay Tewari]
- Ultrasonographic Study Of Comparison Of Prostate Volume And Post Void Residual Urine With Age In North Indian Population [Tahsin Munsif , Syed Shabeeh Haider , Vineeta Tewari , Mariyam Fatima, Pradeep Kumar Sharma]
- Screening For Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease In Type 2 Diabetic Patients And Its Association With Age, BMI And Duration Of Diabetes Mellitus- A Cross-Sectional Study. [Ajoy Tewari, Vineeta Tewari, Jay Tewari]
- Correlation Of Prostate Volume And Prostate Specific Antigen With Age In North Indian Population. [Tahsin Munsif, Syed Shabeeh Haider, Vineeta Tewari, Mumal Nagwani, Sachin Khanduri]
- The Morphological and Morphometric Study Of Suprascapular Notch And Its Variations. [Vibhash Kumar Vaidya, GeetanjaliSrivastava, TahsinMunsif , VineetaTewari, PK Sharma]
- An Ultrasonographic Study To Evaluate The Correlation Of Calcified Yolk Sac With Spontaenous Abortion [GeetanjaliSrivastava, MumalNagwani, VineetaTewari, Sachin Khanduri, ShipraKawar, Prince Kapoor]
- Anatomy and Development Chapt 1[Sonia Jaiswal]
- The study of third ventricle of Brain by Magnetic Resonance imaging and its Correlation with age and Gender of an individual. [Geetanjali Srivastava]
- Evaluating of Integrated teaching method for Phase 1 MBBS using Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Method. Intramural 2 year 17.8.2022 In progress [Geetanjali Srivastava]
- Assessment of VARK and the learning out comes of 1st year MBBS students Intramural-1 year 17.8.2022 In progress. [Sonia Jaiswal] (Statistical analysis to be done)