Laboratory for Stem Cell & Restorative Neurology

Contact Information

Syed Shadab Raza


Associate Professor & PI I Laboratory for Stem Cell & Restorative Neurology
Dept. of Biotechnology
Era's Lucknow Medical College and Hospital
Era University
Lab: Room No. 513
Tel Office: +91-0522-4153777 Extn: 119
Fax: +91- 0522- 2407824

Link to Dr. Shadabs Lab

Research Interest

The primary research objective of my laboratory is to understand the biology of stem cells and how these unique cells may be used in cellular therapies to improve clinical outcome after brain injuries. Our long term interest is in survival/death mechanism/s associated with stem cells in brain injury models (Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury).

To address the same, we are working in the following areas:

  1. Identification of survival/death pathways of stem cells in oxidative and inflammatory microenvironment
  2. Mechanism underlying the benefits achieved by the stem cell transplant
  3. Mechanistic approaches to understand the functional and behavioural outcome post transplantation
  4. Development of new therapeutic approaches (nanoparticles-mediated delivery and protein therapy)
  5. Delivery of nanoparticle tagged stem cells to achieve functional recovery

Our secondary interest lies in stem cell therapy for cognitive disorders e.g. Alzheimer’s Disease

Active Research Grants

Department of Science & Technology, Government of India (2016-19)
Uttar Pradesh Council for Science & Technology (yet to start)
Era Educational Trust Research Initiation Grant (2016)

Ongoing Projects

  1. Mesenchymal Stem Cells exerts neuroprotection in stroke via modulating autophagy
  2. Nanoformulation of Tacrolimus enhance survival of inflammatory challenged Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells by attenuating autophagy
  3. Human DPSCs mediated cartilage regeneration
  4. Mechanism underlying survival/death of Human DPSCs in oxidative and inflammatory micro-environment
  5. Chick embryo: a reliable and reproducible model for ischemic studies
  6. AlCl3 induced neuroinflammation negatively affect adult hippocampus neurogenesis and induces cognitive impairment in aged mice